Optimizing Telecom Service Pricing with Web Crawling | PromptCloud
In India, a host of factors are shaping the pricing strategy for players in the telecom sector. Be it the entrance of Reliance Jio, the free-falling tariff rates, the tariff wars that came for a resolution to TRAI, or the ultra-hot issue of call drops, 2017 saw a lot of action on the telecommunications sector […]
Read MoreInteresting Trends Shaping the Future of Data Visualization
The humongous amounts of data available today is almost causing an information overload for anyone venturing into its analyses. This trend seems to be going nowhere since the data is only growing in size over time. Future of Data Visualization has been the most resourceful tool that’s been keeping this big data consumable for the […]
Read MoreTackle Machine Learning Problems
With the aggressive growth trajectory of machine learning, more and more data scientists are focusing on getting the results to mimic the real-world practical applications. For this, they rely on training datasets to train their model and ‘learn’ better. Once this is done, it is passed through actual data that it hasn’t been trained on, […]
Read MoreAnalysis and Visualization of Amzon Echo Dot 2 Reviews
Amazon Echo Dot, the hefty hockey puck of a device is a smart speaker which has been the best-selling Alexa device since its debut. It was also Amazon’s best-selling device during the 2016 holiday season apart from being the most popular item on Prime Day. The Dot’s value proposition starts with the price tag. Smart speakers […]
Read MoreHow Big Data can be Game-Changing in Marketing and Sales – PromptCloud
Big Data is a revolutionary force in the professional landscape today. From education and healthcare to sales and marketing, big data has been a disruptive force across sectors. There’s no denying how effective data analytics helps in the prediction of human behavior which is key to a successful business. Whether it’s the consumer market or […]
Read MoreData Collection Sources for Various Business Applications | PromptCloud
Although there is a goldmine of web data freely available to crawl and extract, businesses need to be pointed in the right direction while identifying the correct sources of data collection for their particular use case. The uncertainty while identifying web sources is natural since the data available on the web is primarily meant for […]
Read MoreSupervised vs Unsupervised Machine Learning Techniques – PromptCloud
Supervised vs Unsupervised Learning : Discovering patterns from data by employing intelligent algorithms is generally the core concept of machine learning. These discoveries often lead to actionable insights, prediction of various trends and help businesses gain a competitive edge or sometimes even power new and innovative products. We had recently explained the concept of machine […]
Read MoreLeveraging Web Scraping for Cryptocurrency Trading – PromptCloud
The price of bitcoin hit an all-time high of $5840.30 on last Friday, surpassing all the previous records. Also, the combined value of all bitcoin in circulation hit a peak of $96.7 billion. The prices of other cryptocurrencies are also on the rise. Despite being referred to as a ‘bubble’ by many of the popular […]
Read MoreTop Niche Alternatives to Quora – PromptCloud
Forums are places where you meet, interact and exchange ideas with people who are in the same profession or share the similar passion. You can also use forums to get opinions on new concepts, troubleshoot your roadblocks, or get expert advice. A great community will help you achieve your goals easily by providing you with […]
Read More3 Must-Have Datasets for Competitive Intelligence – Promptcloud
Introduction to Datasets for Competitive Intelligence In the tech-driven and fierce business world, access to critical information related to competitors has become one of the most common requirements for any company. Since the competition in the market is increasing each passing day, the rate of change in business also follows the suite. Hence, it has […]
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