Putting Transactional Data to Use
The world of technology and its implementation has undergone a sea of change from just a few years back. Many tools, techniques, and approaches have sprung up in the way business owners and marketing heads now get their insights. As compared to sending mailers, cold calling, or more blatant forms of in-your-face marketing techniques, the […]
Read MoreConverting Big Data to Smart Data
Big Data is the focus area for business innovation, planning, and start-up these days. There is a tremendous amount of information being disseminated from social media posts, news articles, and forums every day. To separate the meaningful information from the irrelevant data, you need a powerful technology that helps you to convert big data to […]
Read MoreThe Basics of Data Structuring
What is Data Structuring The notion of data as we have long held has changed drastically over time and now is poised at a position that some might consider a marvel of technological advancements. The world today is more connected than it ever was. Millions of people generate heavy volumes of data on a regular […]
Read MoreThe Significance of Data Analytics
Google is estimated to process 20 petabytes (PB) on a daily basis, 1 PB is equivalent to 1,000 TB. Though it is the biggest in case of average data processing, but still, the amount of data being produced, processed and shared in the world remains humongous. List of significance of data analytics just goes on […]
Read MoreImportance of Data Privacy
Today, data privacy is the deciding factor while using a digital service, platform or media. When private images of renowned celebrities break the internet, we are forced to think that these people must be spending loads of money to privatise their data and even they are not spared from data theft. How can the general […]
Read MoreIT Strategy and Big Data Management
With the massive digitization that we are witnessing around the planet, businesses now have a lot more to account for when it comes to formulating strategies. Newer technologies and techniques are enabling enterprises to grow by leaps and bounds. Big Data is one of the biggest technological advances in this decade, leading industries to uncharted […]
Read MoreMost Common Roadblocks when Creating any Data Layered Product
The internet has made it easy for people to access, use and manage a vast wealth of information while leaving digital footprints, which can also be accessed and used independently. The ever-growing world of Big Data and Business Intelligence has, over the last decade, transformed every facet of business, way of life and decision-making in […]
Read MoreBig Data Myths Debunked
In the Internet of Things age, one thing that is limitless is the sheer volume of data that flows through it. Big data became the buzzword of this decade, as almost every enterprise, big or small, got acquainted with it. With popularity comes the price, and the myths surrounding the Big Data. Off late, Big Data […]
Read MoreWhy more Experts Swear by Big Data Analytics
From unorganized articles or text files to multipurpose forms collecting unlisted personal data and social records, humongous records of data have encroached upon all walks of our life in various forms. Sifting through such data manually impossible and big data analytics evolved to help us make sense of the gigabytes and terabytes of data flowing […]
Read MoreData Crawling Ethics and Best Practices
The shifting boundary between ethical and unethical practices in data scraping and crawling is a sensitive issue. Deciding what is Data Crawling ethics is quite subjective and debatable. Seeking ethical approval for crawling data could be a legal requirement in certain cases. For instance, web users are unable to notice crawlers and other programs that […]
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