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Price Comparison Data

Price Comparison Data

If you sell anything online, it’s important to make sure that you’re charging the right prices for your products. If you charge higher than the competitors you risk losing business to them, but even if you’re charging substantially lower you’re forgoing an opportunity to price at par with them. Chances are, you’re already in stock of the situation and extensively monitoring the competitors’ prices either through a manual process or using a custom script. The costs are usually more than necessary and may lead to a high number of inaccuracies.

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The solution? Try out a custom web crawling service such as PromptCloud. We deliver structured feeds of data in XML/CSV formats from the sources of your choice, based on the schema and frequency you desire. We take end-to-end ownership of crawling, extracting, normalizing and delivering the final data to you.

Some clients come to us with a requirement to directly crawl and extract data from competitor websites to match their prices with the competition. While other directly crawl other aggregators for gathering such data. We ethically fetch data from the target websites as our crawlers perform ‘polite’ crawls, respecting the robots.txt in terms of crawlable categories and crawl delays (if any).

Want to get pricing data crawled from diverse sources? We can help! Just contact us using any of the contact forms on the website or email us directly on

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